Saturday, July 27, 2024


CLMV economy likely to expand upwards in 2024


The SCB EIC projects that the economies of CLMV countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam) will experience growth in 2024. This growth is expected to be driven by the recovery of exports and tourism, leading to improved economic conditions and a recovery in the labor market. The positive outlook suggests that these countries will see expansion and further development in the coming years.

According to the SCB EIC, the expansion of the CLMV economies in 2024 will be a result of the recovery of key sectors such as exports and tourism. This recovery is expected to lead to improved economic conditions and job market recovery in these countries. The growth projections indicate positive momentum and potential for further economic development in the region.

The SCB EIC’s analysis suggests that the economies of CLMV countries are on a trajectory towards expansion in 2024. The recovery of exports and tourism is expected to play a significant role in driving this growth, leading to improved economic conditions and labor market recovery. Overall, the outlook for the CLMV economies is positive, with potential for continued development and advancement in the years to come.

Source link : CLMV economy likely to expand upwards in 2024

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